hotel guest using smartphone to check into her hotel

A Mobile Friendly Hotel Website – Why You Need One

Make it quicker and easier for guests to book directly; anywhere, anytime.

It’s been fairly common knowledge for a while that you need a mobile-friendly hotel website. In fact, it’s not exclusive to the hospitality industry, all businesses should have mobile-friendly websites by now.

But it may seem like a daunting task, or an expensive one. Or perhaps you’ve taken for granted just how much mobile optimised hotel websites can improve your business.

So let’s explore, shall we?

There are several reasons why  mobile friendly hotel website is an advantage for your hotel. We are going to break them down one at a time. First on the list is Mobile-First Indexing.

What is Mobile First Indexing?

hotel marketing checklist regent marketingYour hotel website is (hopefully) listed on Google and other search engines. The better your website functions, and the more it matches the search terms of users – the higher your web pages rank on Google.

Simple, in principle if not in practice.

Well, mobile first indexing is something that Google now employ as one of their primary ranking factors. They analyse the mobile version of your hotel website (and all websites for that matter) and judge alter the SERPs accordingly.

So no matter how flashy your desktop version is – if you don’t have a mobile friendly hotel website, your website traffic and therefore your direct bookings, will take a hit.

Why Mobile First Indexing?

Regent hotel marketing guides (3)Because it is appropriate for Search Engine users.

As technology advances, Millennials and Gen Zs are the generations comfortable with mobile phones, and have the opportunity to travel. Over 66% of Millennials booked entire holidays and trips via their mobile device. For corporate guests, the results are even higher – 79% of them booked through their mobile devices.

As the digital age progresses – hotels need to adjust their hotel marketing strategies accordingly. One of those ways is taking advantage of this high number of mobile users and making their websites hotel friendly!

Mobile Friendly Hotel Websites For Guests

Aside from the aforementioned optimisation to increase your Google ranking, mobile-optimised websites increase the guest experience from start to finish (and even beyond).

regent marketing hotel reception

The Guest Journey

Once potential guests land on your website, you want to get them from A to B as soon as possible. That means from the moment they open up your home page or landing page – we need to get them booked ASAP.

If you haven’t optimised your hotel website for mobile, the guest journey will be interrupted.

Information might be in inconvenient places, your booking engine might be squashed to the side, and perhaps the site may look like a jumbled mess on a mobile device. It’s not conducive to the process.

A mobile friendly hotel website guides the guest through the booking process as simply as A, B, C!

User Experience

hotel guest checking into hotelYou wouldn’t want guests visiting your lobby and encountering problems would you? It would demean their entire stay at your hotel. A bad stay, means a bad review of your online reputation

Likewise, your hotel website should be considered a virtual extension of your lobby. It is the beginning of their stay at your hotel. Now if these potential guests encounter any issues on your non-mobile friendly website such as:

They have one solution to this – leave your website. 

Without a mobile friendly hotel website, you will increase your bounce rate dramatically. Each potential guest deterred by your online presence failing to convert them.

hotel website examination

Targeted Marketing

As a hotel marketing agency, we love targeted marketing. The juicy demographics and contact details that you can really use to increase your business are helped by mobile friendly hotel websites.

You can target potential guests on the go with SMS messages, offer last-minute deals, special offers and exclusive promotions, and even use push notifications to update or stay in touch with guests who are on their way to your hotel.

Mobile-friendly hotel websites offer you so much – it’s up to you to use the potential to its optimal capacity!

How To Make Your Hotel Website Mobile Friendly

Well, sometimes it’s better to begin from scratch. Jumbled old lines of CSS and outdated images can often wreak havoc as you attempt to update your website.

But if that’s not the case, and you’re looking for advice on making your website mobile optimised, then we can help with that too. Our consultants can guide you and your team through the process of:

  • regent_marketing_analysisResizing images
  • Using responsive designs
  • Organising your website navigation intuitively
  • Checking alt text and button sizes

And much more!

In fact, if you’d like a full breakdown of these kinds of services – why not get in touch with us? It’s completely free to have a chat, and we’ll analyse your entire online presence through a short 30 minute call.

Simply fill out the form below and someone will be in touch!

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    How good is your hotel website?

    You always want your guests to book on your website, but. ..

    • Can they book directly there?
    • Does it look right on all devices?
    • Is it fast and responsive?
    • Can they find the right information?
    • Why would they book there instead of

    Check your site for FREE!

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